Monday, January 29, 2007

Unfavorable Commodities?

China imports more copper, colder weather in US, potential in OPEC cutting oil supply, Iran back in nuke-talks... All of this doesn't matter to the world market as they pay attention more on US economy comparing with the Japan Government on retail sales, focusing on Japan's inflation.

Just great.

I've doubled up my amount of silver to 1000 units since commodities continually decline and running a negative and a drawdown reaching more than 16% of my capital. To be frank, I'm a little worried. Somehow it's the natural instinct to be scared.

However, I'm still confident of the commodity market as lower price will trigger buying interest in worldwide interest especially in worldwide concern of inflation now. Lower oil price has caused economies throughout the world to grow considerably at the 'wrong' moment. Higher oil prices will cause economy to stagnant and lower oil prices will cause unnecessary inflation. It has to be maintained at the 'right' level.

Therefore, I am not too worried about the commodity market price level. Most of people will see a drop in commodities market as a bear. I along with other millions of smart investors will see it as a buying opportunity.


I will continue purchase commodities when it's reaching new low. I intend to purchase another 500 units of silver when the price reaching 13.1500. Price decision might change a little bit but shouldn't be anywhere far of difference.

I expect commodities to make a comeback within this week due to lots of inflation numbers that will be released from US, Euro and Japan.

If something unexpected happens ( like gold & silver reaching significant low or high), I will update this blog later again at 2am EST. Otherwise, I'll be back here tomorrow.

Happy trading.


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