Wednesday, January 24, 2007

USD 1000 - I'm BACK!!!

Hi everyone. I'm thrilled to be back to live trading after months of practices using demo. During these months, I have changed my lifestyle and everything... Shall not repeat on that issue anymore. But this time, I'm definitely back for more. I've developed strategies to trade gold and silver. As I'm still using Oanda Platform, it allows me only 2 commodity choices. From today onwards, I would update on my account status and my triggered trades, and of course with my profit and loss system as usual.

I don't expect to be 100% right all the time and I'll try my best not to fall. I've learnt the tough way on my mistakes and shall not repeat the same mistakes once again. My next trade I'm looking at is Silver at price 13.3000, targeting to take profit at 14.0 as I strongly believe that commodities market will soon back on track after much of the 'correction' period. I will not trade Gold at the moment because I'm only leveraged at 20:1 and trading only 10% of my cash. This has not allowed me to trade gold at moment, so I'm going for Gold in Silver.

U.S. economy seemed to 'recover' at the present moment after surge in PPI, CPI and any possible inflationary data that is supporting the dollar. But from my perspective, it will not last long due to the heavy debt of the world's largest economy and Foreign Investment (TIC) will not be strong every single month to support the dollar. As compared of previous year on Jan 24, Euro/USD prices has grown significantly from 1.2267(2006) and 1.2954(2007). This is a changes of estimated over 600 pips within a year and the long term chart is on the bullish trend.

For commodities rally, it started back on 1999 as predicted by Commodities Expert and Co-founder of Quantum Funds, Jim Rogers, from USD 3 per barrel of crude of to USD 55 today, not to mention other commodities such as silver, gold, grain, orange juice (was USD 3 back then... YES same price with oil. Does your car run on orange juice?) and etc. From what I'm seeing, I'm expecting commodities to continue it's rally for AT LEAST another 7 long years. Crude might be USD 150 per barrel then and gold would be USD 1000 per ounce. As from the rising demand from building giant countries such as China. Commodities prices will not settle down or crash in these coming years. Not until China is fully developed like United States (except the bad debt).

So, my long terms perspective is commodities all the way and trading less currencies unless I see and catch the golden opportunity. Then I will consider taking a ride with currencies. Other than that, I'll not think about it.


I'm still looking for a person who can share his/her experiences with me in trading. 2 brains are better than 1 ain't it? So please do contact me.

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So, send me an email or whatsoever! I don't mind sharing ideas and earning money together afterall, it's a USD 2.5 trillion dollars market. LOLZ. Have a great day!

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