Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Silver STRIKE 3!!! Another Day With Great Profit.

As I've forgot to mentioned yesterday, I've took profit on all of my trades... all except 1. 400 units of silver @ 13.4000. I've saw silver's performance yesterday and it's simply amazing. This morning when I woke and start looking at the charts again, seeking an opportunity to make another trade, and of course... looking at the over-all short term trend at the 1-hour chart. Immediately I saw consolidation of silver prices and I planned for my next move. I drew the uptrend channel line for silver in the 1-hour chart and found the potential price it might reach just before London or New York open. The channel I drew shows a potential drop for the day reaching 1.2600. I decided to place a safe trade at 1.2750.

Within a few minutes after I placed the limit trade and it was 30 minutes before London open, it went exactly what I had in mind earlier. The trades were triggered and it showed amazing strength of support, unlike of what I've seen in the normal trading days. I was determined that today will be different.

I was right again.

After the volatility session on higher than expected inflation number of Annualized quarterly US GDP reaching 3.5%... higher than what the market has in mind. Inflation will trigger hedging in commodities. Another supporting reason on today's bull market. It went for a long-green candle bringing me another profit of USD 83 (rounded down).

So, I therefore conclude my trading profits for month of January ends at 17.7% profit. Starting on January 24 with USD 1000 + 177.49 (minus daily interest rates).

I'm expecting silver price to have a small retracement and consolidation around 13.4000 level. which then I will again make another entry. My strategy has always been the same, always buying at the new lows or a.k.a. buying a dip. I've removed my stop-loss strategy because whenever silver has reached a considerably 'cheap' price... there's always investors/traders seeking to support it. A commodity always means a value for someone...

There's few things that I would need to improve myself... First, choosing a good entry point. In my past few trades, I've done some mistakes in entry, ending up in huge drawdowns, the highest I had so far is 30% drawdown. It was scary. Believe me. Perhaps it was luck and it went back up.

Second was my take profit exit, I seem to always take profit a little bit earlier than I should. If I had take profit at the accurate time... I am 100% sure that I'll be making more than 20% profit for this month, which ended up only 17.7% profit. These are the two things I need to seriously work on it.

Anyway, for those who wish to provide me some advice or suggestions please do so because I might need some help afterall. I've sign-up for the 7th Annual Forex Forum which will be held in London somewhere around May. Anyone interested in going as well? Please do email me. Hope to hear from you guys soon.

P.S. I've been getting alot of visitors but none has actually emailed me. Is it me or .... ?

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