Tuesday, August 01, 2006

US continues consolidation...

Inflation data released showed accelerated pace in inflation. Growth is slowing down reported by the quaterly GDP. What would the Fed do? I'm still betting on a pause. I'm not trying to be one-sided here but I sincerely feels that the Fed is now weighing more on the economy growth rather than inflation which they've raised interest rates consecutively for the past 17 months. My trades were closed on a stop loss earlier in late Asian Session when USD is gaining over the major crosses and particularly Euro due to the rumor speculations that the European Central Bank will not raise interest rates over 3% this year. I've not taken any trades at the moment because I won't be here to look after it as I'll be travelling to other state tomorrow. However, I'll be looking forward to place a trade after the ECB rate announcement that could possibly lead to Euro dropping due to the priced in effect which happens to almost all currency and the push could be a 'vigilant' speech from ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet. I'm now sidelined for the moment, at least for the next 24 hours. Happy Trading Everyone.


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