Monday, February 19, 2007

Silver Consolidates.... Silver possible to retest USD 15.30 before March.

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy President Day! The silver market is pretty dull today except for a moment during London Session. I've finally decided to get back into the market and start making money again. I've took a trade in silver of 600 units at 14.0300. From the medium term perspective, silver market is currently undergoing a strong consolidation above USD 14. I still strongly believe the commodities market, silver and gold, will retest it's March 2006 high, that could happen before 1st of March 2007 is the current undergoing bullish trend is still intact.

As it's Chinese New Year ( I'm chinese... ) I am now observing my trades through my laptop and it's not really convenient as I'm back in my hometown. I will be in my hometown for 9 days. So I'll be looking for make some money to cover my expenses. LOL.

Anyway, wishing everyone a prosperous and bullish new year

Happy Trading

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