Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Technical Drop in Commodities

The correction today has made the market unstable with several traps on the way down of 3000 pips of silver and a drop of nearly 20 USD in gold. I took this opportunity to take a dip trade and made a small profit out of it. I've made USD 48 only for today. The highest P/L is over 400 USD earlier but I didn't took profit because I was expecting it to return to higher pace yesterday. Anyway, I took my profit. It's little but I've achieved more than 90% of my balance this month.

I'm thinking of terminating my daily post in this blog as I feel it's lost it's meaning. I initially created this blog to share but in the end, I'm the only person contributing. Anyway, I will make 10 last posts starting from tomorrow. If things continue to be this way, I will terminate it.

Thanks Everyone

Happy Trading


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