Monday, June 19, 2006

Euro lost some grounds to USD after EZ Trade Balance Reported Higher Deficit than consensus.

Forex trading is back more to range trading like the previous month. However the strong USD data took me by surprise that the Michigan Confidence and the Current Account Balance shown USD positive data. These economic data are a clear sentiment indicator for the USD bull traders as it is interpreted by the Fed that the economic is robust enough the sustain more upcoming interest rates hike. Possibly to 5.5% by August this year.

The short term sentiment I see are USD bull now due to the expectations of 100% interest rate hike this June 29 FOMC meeting. Long term view is still on bias Euro. Today the Eurozone Trade Balance deficit has widened than the expected consensus. Reported data was -2B while expected consensus is -1.3B. This drop on consensus has caused the EUR/USD to lose some ground in NY Sessions.

I managed to close 2 of my USD/CHF trades which I've held for centuries long. As I'm still seeking for a new adaptable 'holy grail' system... I'm beginning to cut my negs which is currently still holding up 45% of my account balance. It sucks to be in my position now as you can say... Since I'm left with no leftover USD/CHF trades and the trades I started this week with a new system, I was too stupid enough to place a trade too low for it to be taken. which only leaves my EUR/USD trade taken today. I'm expecting to pay interest rates for at least 1 week because I'm holding 5 EUR/USD trades with 9% leverage. USD/ZAR trades are getting suckier day by day and it's a sore to the eye looking at the margin occupied by it...

Closed/Completed Trades

Long USD/CHF @ 1.2270, Closed @ 1.2400

Long USD/CHF @ 1.2280, Closed @ 1.2381 ( I closed this trade with only 1 pip because I've been holdin it since the dinosour exist. I'm just glad that I can even close this trade)

Existing Trades

Long EUR/USD @ 1.2583

Long EUR/USD @ 1.2637

Long EUR/USD @ 1.2650

Long EUR/USD @ 1.2820

Long EUR/USD @ 1.2960

Long USD/ZAR @ 6.7000

Long USD/ZAR @ 6.5800

Long USD/ZAR @ 6.0500

USD/ZAR is reaching 7.000 making me holding a negative of 10000 pips on that alone. For those who's reading this. Yea, it sucks big time for me. I hope the light will shine on me once again and hopefully this thunderstorm will be over in no time. I'm just looking forward to be alive to trade for my next system. Projects plans were put on hold due to the system were still under planning. We're looking for a great system before we're in the business. Can't wait till then...


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