Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Looking For Partners To Start A New Investment Blog

I'm looking for currency and commodity analysts and strategist to share a blog to publish fundamentals and technical analysis with investment strategies. This is a preliminary idea of a new blog. Doesn't matter you're male or female, as long as you feel you're good enough for the world to know who you are...

Email me at

Please specify what are you specialization, your relevant experience and preferably with age.
Just provide me whatsoever information for me to know you better.

Only serious and confident traders and analyst should email me.


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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Technical Drop in Commodities

The correction today has made the market unstable with several traps on the way down of 3000 pips of silver and a drop of nearly 20 USD in gold. I took this opportunity to take a dip trade and made a small profit out of it. I've made USD 48 only for today. The highest P/L is over 400 USD earlier but I didn't took profit because I was expecting it to return to higher pace yesterday. Anyway, I took my profit. It's little but I've achieved more than 90% of my balance this month.

I'm thinking of terminating my daily post in this blog as I feel it's lost it's meaning. I initially created this blog to share but in the end, I'm the only person contributing. Anyway, I will make 10 last posts starting from tomorrow. If things continue to be this way, I will terminate it.

Thanks Everyone

Happy Trading

Home Sweet Home...

After 10 days back in hometown, I'm now writing this in Kuala Lumpur as I'm back home. I couldn't update my blog yesterday because I had to sleep early and wake up early for my journey back home. Anyway, I'll just keep this post plain and simple, I didn't managed to make much money because I wasn't there to observe the market when it was dropping hence my confidence was not there and I took profit of only USD 7.30.

Anyway, for the future market to see, I'm expecting a big correction in silver as judging from the wave theory of Elliots and trend channel plus last year's market correction. It's getting near. It might rise to near to 14.80 and the correction might just happen as history might tend to repeat itself and I feel the resistance of 14.8000 is pretty strong. Needs a whole lotta funds to break that barrier again to reach 15.30.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Gold and Silver Spike to 14.6000. Another day of profit.

After the big win on Feb 21, I've placed a trade waiting for a breakout trade. It did and it's again in my favor, I placed a trade at 14.4000 looking for a bullish sign after almost 36 hours of consolidation which shows no sign of weaknesses. For the 14.4000, I initially targeted 14.7000 as the main top resistance after 14.4000, sadly it only reaches 14.6000 and I took my profit at 14.5350 which brings me another USD 96. This rally today marks the end of the bullish week of commodities and I'm prediction a big correction in the commodity market starting early next week when market reopens. A spike like this usually happens for profit taking sessions for trades which is still held on Feb 21. As I feel that the current gold and silver are a lil overpriced, I will be expecting a retracement, that should make my job easier and certainly makes my day.

Wish everyone a great weekend and have fun.

Happy Trading

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Silver Consolidates... again.

I've not made any trades today since the silver market is trading without a proper direction. To minimize errors, I've placed a possible break trade of yesterday's high at 14.4000. Until now the New York session seems dull and no one seems to be getting in action. It's probably another 'wait and observe' market. As all of you who might know by now, yesterday's spike in the commodities pricing is supported by the higher than expected CPI numbers from the U.S. triggering alarms of possibility of higher inflation that might cause the U.S. Federal Reserve to raise benchmark interest rates to 5.5%. As normally when inflation is around, gold is often supported as it's the main product to hedge in case of high inflation. Silver gets to gain as well. Overall, yesterday's gain fell in place where everyone decides it's recouping day and oil rises, and so does CPI. I'd personally the gain yesterday was a little too much and over reaction from the market even with the fact that considering the current oil prices will make the next month's CPI release will be higher than market expectations. I still place my bets that chances for the U.S. Federal Reserve to continue raising interest rates to curb inflation this year is a NO GO.

Anyway, back to silver, I'm expecting another possible correction before silver makes it any higher. I'm expecting it to return to 13.8000 before making another hike, passing 14.4000 this time as 14.4000 was the high of previous year's hike before reaching 14.6000 and then 15.3000. Many have predicted that silver will make a significant advance in pricing this year as it is possible reaching 19.20 the historical high. I'm just waiting for the day the arrive :)

Happy Trading and Best of Luck!

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Record Breaking Profit! 800 USD from SILVER!

This is the first time in my trading experience to post double in a day. I've managed to recouped with all my losses yesterday PLUS profit of USD 300. I've successfully achieved my medium term goal of reaching 100% profit before February 24. I've currently made 106% (USD 2060) and I'm 2 days away from deadline.

This is just great!!! I will update more on gold news with economic details tomorrow!


Happy Trading@!!

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I'm recouping, my theories of the silver market proven right.

After the big loss, I've spent my whole night in front of my laptop reading news, articles, supply and demand and studying the candlestick charts, hourly, daily, weekly, you name it. I've done my research and finally found a view that yesterday's correction is 'meant' to be. It was suppose to happen! Well, at least technically... I've resisted myself from placing new trades throughout last week since it was range trading the whole time and I couldn't find myself risking a trade that could possibly give me a 50% drawdown. Eventually, when Monday starts, I thought it would be another week of range trading, at least for a few days, it was range in a very tight spread and there wasn't any chance of making money since it was Chinese New Year and President's Day. Market was somehow dead and Tuesday was like a tsunami sweeping investors into the deep blue sea. I was one of the lucky survivors that managed to get cling on the coconut tree with few deep cut wounds.

I've discovered a chart reading method that I have neglected all the while which was provided a very clear picture of the whole trend. I got it yesterday and placed my trades accordingly.

Let me re-list my trades;

600 units of 13.7850
300 units of 13.7659
430 units of 13.8680
600 units of 13.9000
300 units of 13.9550

Is it has reached the bottom of the current bull market with an angle of est. 18-20 degrees. 13.7000 was the lowest. From my current view of the trend, yesterday's fall as just flux on the way towards $700 later in the year, as both physical and investor demand is likely to be strong.

I'm currently running a profit of 230 USD. I'm targeting 14.2000 after this correction.

Happy Trading!

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